Trout Creek Adventist School

Awaken a love for God, a desire for learning, and service to others.




   Maurita Crew:

   Principal & Lead Teacher Grades 5-8



   Melissa Evans: 

   Teacher Grades 1-4




Principal's Message:                     

It is a pleasure to work in a school that  is very intentional in our efforts to support your child's development—through actively engaging  faith-development opportunities, consistent implementation of our research-informed teaching methods, recognition of the holistic nature of each individual and the need to reflect individual diversity in the way the curriculum is presented. I have over 25 years teaching experience and enjoy being in the classroom and learning with the students. Setting goals and helping the students work on their grit and determination to meet their goals is something I find challenging and rewarding. 

When I am not working in the classroom, I enjoy spending time outdoors and working in my garden. My children, grand kids, and husband are a source of joy and inspiration to me. I value the Montana lifestyle our family has created since moving to Montana 5 years ago. The pace, the people, the community, and the school have made such a positive impact on my life.









1-4 Teacher Message:

Trout Creek is home for my husband, I, and our three children (not to mention lots of cousins, grandparents, and all our furry and feathered pets!). 

I am privileged to join the teaching team at TCAS full time. I look forward to building community within our classroom. I especially enjoy the contagious, joyful energy the young learners bring.